Saturday, January 21, 2012

January 23 - 27, 2012


**Make sure to read my "Letter to Parents" in your child's apple binder today**

Below are two important messages!  

#1...Please place quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies on a table.  Have your child put change in order from greatest to least, then count by "adding on."  You have received three classwork pages to refer to in case you want to know how we are teaching this skill.

#2...Continue to practice telling time to the minute using an analog clock (with hands).  Students must be able to tell time accurately.

Students should be reading AR books at home every night!

Student of the Week:  Michael

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January 17 - 20, 2012


**DIBELS results were great!  Your child's score was included with report cards last week... Keep up the hard work!

GOTCHA party is this Friday...  We are working hard to earn 6 GOTCHAS!

Friday, January 6, 2012

January 9 - 13, 2012


**Report Cards will not come home until January 12th. *Practice one minute timed reading passage every night and sign the bottom of the page. DIBELS for our class will be Thursday, January 12th. Our goal is 90 words per minute!

Next PTA meeting is January 10th. Red Pods will be performing :^)
**PLEASE make sure you read all updates below regarding changes in Spelling for the rest of the year. Let me know if you have any questions.

Don't forget school will be out for the Lee/King Holiday next Monday, January 16!  

Student of the Week: Tyler


Story for this week is "A Weed is a Flower."  Read your story every night! Test will be on Thursday.


Write words three times each, every night. Practice words from previous week, as these will be used in dictation sentences. Test will be on Friday.

**Remember: If there is ONE error (spelling/capitalization/punctuation) in the dictation sentence, the whole sentence will be marked incorrect and 5 points subtracted from test score.

GRAMMAR: We will learn about the verb "to be," using is, are, was and were.

MATH: Students will tell time to the nearest five minutes and minute. We are using an analog clock (the one with hands) and digital clock. **Our 3 minute subtraction fact drill will be graded once each week.  Practice!

SOCIAL SCIENCE: Our class is learning about the State of Alabama. Students will identify symbols such as the state flag, state bird, and state flower.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 3 - 6, 2012

NEWS FOR PARENTS: WELCOME BACK!  We are ready to begin our second semester of school!  

**Report Cards will not come home until January 12th.  *Practice one minute timed reading passage every night and sign the bottom of the page.  DIBELS for our class will be Thursday, January 12th.  Our goal is 90 words per minute!

Next PTA meeting is January 10th.  Red Pods will be performing :^)

**PLEASE make sure you read all updates below regarding changes in Spelling for the rest of the year. Let me know if you have any questions.

Student of the Week:  Madelyn