Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Booster Badges for Sale!

SEHS Varsity Cheerleaders will be at our school early Friday morning on September 3rd to sell Booster Badges! ($1.00 each). These are special metallic ones because we are playing Prattville that night. They will not sell badges the next week, but will be back on September 17.  Let's support our Stanhope Elmore Mustangs!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

One Week Down....

What a busy week! Thank you to all parents who have been so helpful... for generous donations, transportation reminders/notes, etc. We've worked very hard to get our students home in the afternoons... in some of the most oppressive heat ever! Check back to see next week's newsletter and other updates regarding our class activities. I appreciate all of you, and love teaching your children!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Open House

Open House was a huge success tonight! It was so wonderful to meet all my parents and children... Will be getting ready for a big day Monday. First day of school will be here before we know it!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Getting used to this....

So thankful for Kevin and his assistance tonight! He has given Mom a few lessons, and made this look so much easier than it is... He makes anything on a computer look easy! I need lots of practice :^)

Two more days in the classroom to get everything ready, then it's back to school for teachers. Really praying that this unbearably hot weather will subside--- and SOON!

Don't forget about Open House this Thursday night at 6:00, Blue Pod, room 114. See you then!