Monday, February 25, 2013

February 25 - March 1, 2013


**Please practice telling time with your child at home, in the car, and anywhere you see an analog or digital clock!  We will be focusing on the analog clock (which has two hands).  This is very important :) 

**Use this website to practice telling time.  It is also located on the right hand side of our classroom blog:  
Don't forget to use other math sites I've provided for you, like

February PTO Fundraiser ~~~ Disney World Tickets for family of four.  Raffle ends Thursday, February 28th.  Drawing held on Tuesday, March 5th at PTO meeting.  Price: $1.00 per ticket.

**Yearbooks are still on sale for $22.00

Spirit Nights! 

~~Chick-fil-A is the 2nd Tuesday of every month.

~~Cici's Pizza has been changed to the 4th Thursday of every month.


Friday, February 15, 2013

February 18 - 22, 2013


**Please practice telling time with your child at home, in the car, and anywhere you see an analog or digital clock!  We will be focusing on the analog clock (which has two hands).  This is very important :) 

**Use this website to practice telling time.  It is also located on the right hand side of our classroom blog:  
Don't forget to use other math sites I've provided for you, like

February PTO Fundraiser ~~~ Disney World Tickets for family of four.  Raffle ends Thursday, February 28th.  Drawing held on Tuesday, March 5th at PTO meeting.  Price: $1.00 per ticket.

**Yearbook sales have begun! Get your yearbook today :)  

$20 before February 22nd, and $22 after February 22nd.

Spirit Nights! 

~~Chick-fil-A is the 2nd Tuesday of every month.

~~Cici's Pizza has been changed to the 4th Thursday of every month.

~~NEW!! Moe's Southwest Grill is hosting a Spirit Night for us on
February 19th from 5 to 9 p.m.


Friday, February 8, 2013

February 11 - 15, 2013


**Valentine's Day Treat will be Thursday, February 14. Please see note sent to you last Friday.  We are looking forward to a really sweet day!

February PTO Fundraiser ~~~ Disney World Tickets for family of four.  Raffle ends Thursday, February 28th.  Drawing held on Tuesday, March 5th at PTO meeting.  Price: $1.00 per ticket.

**Yearbook sales have begun! Get your yearbook today :)  

$20 before February 22nd, and $22 after February 22nd.

Spirit Nights! 

~~Chick-fil-A is the 2nd Tuesday of every month.

~~Cici's Pizza has been changed to the 4th Thursday of every month.

~~NEW!! Moe's Southwest Grill is hosting a Spirit Night for us on
February 19th from 5 to 9 p.m.

**Students have been counting money for two weeks.  Parents, please make it a nightly practice to put change on the table:  Quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies up to $1.00.  Have your child put them in order from greatest to least, and "add on."  We are encouraging students to count money past $1.00 this week.  ***Guess what?  Those who have been working for two weeks are doing a GREAT job! 


Friday, February 1, 2013

February 4 - 8, 2013


Thank you to all parents who have sent donations!  We appreciate your help SO much!  Also, we want you to know how much we enjoyed our 100th Day Special Treat!  Students went from bowl to bowl, counting out 10 items with a spoon and putting them into a zipbag.  We had M&M's, pretzels, Cheez Its, Teddy Grahams, Cheerios, peanuts, marshmallows... It was delicious :)

**Yearbook sales were scheduled to begin on January 30th.  More information coming soon.

Next PTO meeting will be on Tuesday, Feb. 5th at 6:00.  Pizza and drinks are available at 5:15.  Return bottom portion of the bright green letter you received to reserve your meal!  Red pods will perform :)

**Students began counting money last week.  Parents, please make it a nightly practice to put change on the table:  Quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies up to $1.00.  Have your child put them in order from greatest to least, and "add on."  I am so proud of those who have demonstrated how they practice at home!