Friday, October 28, 2011

October 31 - November 4, 2011


**Can you help?  Our class is in need of ink for our classroom printer!  We need HP 901, black and color.  I will be placing an order later this year, which will carry us through May.  Thank you so much for always helping our class :^)

We are still accepting new PTA memberships throughout the year!

Join us for MATH NIGHT on November 8th!  More information coming soon...

**Important notice:  This year, Thanksgiving lunch will be served to students and teachers only.  We will not be taking reservations.  CES students will celebrate Thanksgiving on
November 17th.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October 24 - 28, 2011


RED RIBBON WEEK ~~ October 24th - 28th

**See the letter sent home for each day's activities!

**Costume Parade -- Friday, October 28th!  Please..... NO SCARY COSTUMES! This is a time of fun for children, so we request costume characters that are not frightening to children :^)
NOTE! ***Written questions on the Reading Selection Test will now count as part of the grade, and students will be required to write complete sentences.  The teacher will provide a "sentence starter," and students will complete the sentence.   

Student of the Week:  Roberto 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

October 17 - 21, 2011


Bookfair is October 17th - 21st!  

First Nine Weeks Report Cards ~~ Thursday, October 20th ~~ SIGN and RETURN ALL PAPERS!

GOTCHA Week ~~"Space Walk" will be Friday, Oct. 21th :^) 

RED RIBBON WEEK ~~ October 24th - 28th 

**Costume Parade -- Friday, October 28th!  Please..... NO SCARY COSTUMES! This is a time of fun for children, so we request costume characters that are not frightening to children :^)

NOTE! ***Written questions on the Reading Selection Test will now count as part of the grade, and students will be required to write complete sentences.  The teacher will provide a "sentence starter," and students will complete the sentence.  

October 17 - 21, 2011


Bookfair is October 17th - 21st!  

First Nine Weeks Report Cards ~~ Thursday, October 20th ~~ SIGN and RETURN ALL PAPERS!

GOTCHA Week ~~"Space Walk" will be Friday, Oct. 21th :^) 

RED RIBBON WEEK ~~ October 24th - 28th 

**Costume Parade -- Friday, October 28th!  Please..... NO SCARY COSTUMES! This is a time of fun for children, so we request costume characters that are not frightening to children :^)

NOTE! ***Written questions on the Reading Selection Test will now count as part of the grade, and students will be required to write complete sentences.  The teacher will provide a "sentence starter," and students will complete the sentence.   


Day One - Monday - Our new story is "Turtle's Race with Beaver."

Day Two -- Tuesday

Day Three - Wednesday

Day Four  - Thursday - Online Selection Test and written portion. *Remember new information about writing complete sentences!

Day Five - Friday - Spelling and Language Tests


This week we are learning about plural nouns and the rules we use to help us.


We will practice identifying odd and even numbers, and will introduce "rounding."


Students are studying different types of environments/habitats, and the animals that live there.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October 12 - 14, 2011


Bookfair is October 17th - 21st!  

First Nine Weeks Report Cards ~~ Thursday, October 20th

GOTCHA Week ~~"Space Walk" will be the week of Oct. 17th :^) 

RED RIBBON WEEK ~~ October 24th - 28th 

**Remember to read plans for this week in Reading, Spelling, and Language! 

Students will have the opportunity to do an "Ancestors Report" to be completed and returned no later than Wednesday, October 12, 2011.  This report is in your child's Apple Binder, and includes directions on a separate piece of paper. Parents, please help your child learn about yourselves, grandparents, and great-grandparents, date of birth, birthplace, and interesting facts.  You may write this information for your child on the sheet provided.  There are two parts to this report---the written portion to give to me, and the oral portion, which is to be able to share facts with classmates.  Please do not hesitate to email me if you have any questions!  I am looking forward to learning more about your families. 

NOTE! ***Written questions on the Reading Selection Test will now count as part of the grade, and students will be required to write complete sentences.  The teacher will provide a "sentence starter," and students will complete the sentence.  You will see this change on Reading tests starting last week, Oct. 7th.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

October 3 - 7, 2011


**Please make sure you read about scheduling, testing, and stories for the next two weeks.  Day Four, this Thursday, will include all tests for this week's story.  Friday will be Day One for the next story.  See instructions below under "Reading/Spelling."

**We are encouraging you to join our PTA!  If our class has 50% join, Mrs. Boyer will plan a very special treat.... We only have TWO members as of today.  If we can get SEVEN more families to join for $10.00 apiece, then LOOK OUT!  I'm ready to bring on the surprise :^)

PTA Membership------------ 2

**PARENTS!  Important note about Accelerated Reading and Classworks computer programs.  Since our school is testing Classworks, which involves reading and math activities online, we will not have time for every student to take an AR test every day.  We are working hard to find a way to balance both programs.  Thanks for your support... And yes, students need to keep reading those books at home!

Student of the Week:  Trey