Monday, December 13, 2010

December 13 - 17, 2010

No regular lessons this week!  We will enjoy Christmas stories such as "The Legend of the Poinsettia," "The Night Before Christmas," "An Alabama (and Auburn) Night Before Christmas," "Bubba the Redneck Reindeer," and "The Mouse Before Christmas." 

**Important Information for Parents! Please remember this Friday...  Car riders will be released at 12:15 and bus riders around 1:00!

**Please remember to send requested snacks and supplies for our Christmas treat Thursday afternoon.  Students MAY bring goodie bags for friends if you so choose.

Lots of fun Christmas activities are planned...  We will learn how to play Christmas songs on Melodee Bells (handbells for children). 

*Field trip to see Peter Pan at the Shakespeare Theater is on Tuesday.
*Choir concert - Tuesday evening at 6:00 (Choir members must arrive earlier at assigned time).
*Students with Perfect Attendance - by invitation only!  Lunch with Mrs. Goodin on Wednesday.
*Breakfast with Santa - Thursday morning at 9:00
*Class Party and special treats - Thursday afternoon - 1:00

Monday, December 6, 2010

December 6 - 10, 2010

**BE HERE on Friday, December 10th!  Our class will DIBEL (One minute timed readings).  It is very important that you continue to practice your timed readings at home this week.

**Holiday Project: Due no later than Tuesday, December 7th. Students are bringing home a blue note that tells about this activity. Please read directions carefully and help your child... Do not do the project for them, but help them find information and supplies. Students will write a report and do a poster or shadowbox. Directions were sent home on November 29th.

*Field Trip to see Peter Pan at Shakespeare Theater --- Tuesday, December 14

*Choir Concert --- 6:00--- Tuesday, December 14

*Breakfast with Santa-------December 16

*Christmas Vacation --- December 20, 2010 - January 3, 2011

*Good News Club --- Every Thursday afternoon

*Choir --- Wednesdays, from 7:30 to 8:00. Please be on time!